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You may be looking for a way to make a significant gift to help further our mission. A bequest is a gift made through your will or trust. It is one of the most popular and flexible ways that you can support our cause.

1843 Society

Named after the year B'nai B'rith was founded, the 1843 Society recognizes members and supporters who wish to ensure the future success of B'nai B'rith International by making a legacy gift to the organization.

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The 1843 Society

Named after the year B'nai B'rith was founded, the 1843 Society recognizes members and supporters who wish to ensure the future success of B'nai B'rith International by making a legacy gift to the organization.

Membership in the 1843 Society is granted to individuals who notify us of their intention to leave a planned gift to our organization. To learn more about how you can become a member of the 1843 Society and how your legacy can support the work of B'nai B'rith International, please contact the Planned Giving Department at 1-800-565-5561.


Lester Abeloff*
David* and Hilde Abraham
Saul and Rae Adelman
Irving Adler
Morris Adler*
Brad Adolph
Minette Alpern*
Arnold and Andrea Alpert
Joseph and Debora Alstater*
Harry and Ruth* Altschuler
Jackie H. Alvy*
Natalie Anger
Anne Atlas
Hannah L. Aurbach
Danielle Avidan
Jacob Axelrod*
Paul L. Backman
Sheldon Badzin
Max* and Gertrude Baer
Tommy P. Baer
Marvin K. Bailin*
Joey and Millie Baker
Walter Bakovsky*
Leslie and Frances M. Balter*
J. Leiter Bamberger
Richard F. Barak
Lewis and Lauri Barbanel
Charles and Ruth Barbash*
Seymour Bard*
Louis H. Barnett*
Gerald M. Barsha
Ira A. Bartfield
Solomon Bass*
Gerald J. Batt
Max and Elaine Baverman*
Joel Beck
Henry and May Becker
Sol D. Becker*
Benjamin Bendat*
Gilbert and Lynne Benjamin
Howard and Dorothy* Berger
Joseph* and Gertrude* Berger
Erna Berid*
Sally Berkove*
Lillian Berlinger*
Herman Berman*
Ray Berman*
Bert* and Alice Bernd
Bradley Bernstein
Rubin Binder*
Rose Bisno*
David L. Bittker*
Burt Black*
Robert Blake*
Betsy Blake-Thrasher
Shirley Blank*
Ethel Blitzstein*
Paul R. Bloomberg
James R. Blumberg*
Eric Book
Bert Bornblum*
Floyd A. Bornstein*
Donald and Sally Braman*
Irvin Bregman*
Seymour and Ruth Brick*
Audrey Y. Brooks
Lou and Natalie Brott*
Aaron* and Belle Brown
Alvin I. Brown*
Alvin Brown
Bernard Sam Brown*
Bert Brown*
Alfred Brownstein*
Richard J. Brownstein*
Irving Brucker*
Irwin Burack*
Sam Burnes*
George Bursak*
Felice F. Caspar*
Myra Canelli*
Rea Chaban*
Herman Chadacoff*
Ronald B. Chaffin
Philip Chanen
Robert A. Christenstein
Bret Cipes*
Sidney M. Clearfield
Sidney H. and Rose Closter*
Milton J. and Molly Cobert*
Alex Cohen*
Sheldon S. Cohen
Anne Cohn
Stanley Coira
Miriam Rosenblatt Comenetz*
Alice Confortes*
Kathryn Cooper
Ned Cooper*
David Coplan*
Steven B. Crystal
Joseph Daniels
Harold Davis
Murray Davis*
Sylvia B. Denbo*
Rhoda Denney
Bernard Derow*
Hannah Deutch
Henry X. and Shirley Dietch*
Renee Dobshutz*
Harlan G. Dolgin
Al Dolin*
Joseph H. Domberger*
Ralph H. and Bertha Dorn*
Barbara Douglas
Alina Dovin*
Donal Dreifus*
Samuel Drogy
Jack and Miriam Dubit*
Rose Dubrow*
Abe Dubrowsky*
Alan Dworkin*
Michael L. Easley
Kurt Easton*
Betty Edelman
Edith Eichenbaum
David and Belle Eiten*
Robert H. Elkes*
Jacob Epstein
Michael J. Epstein
Sidney Faber*
Melvin Farber*
Joel D. Fedder
Stanley M. Feldman
Russell G. Feran
Gertrude Fertig*
Jules and Lillian Fields
Harold M. Fienberg
Herman Fineberg*
Cecil Finegold*
E. David First
Susan Fischel
Helen Fisherman*
Jacob Fishkin*
Jack Fleischer*
Jenny Flink*
Jerome G.* and Marlene Z. Franklin
Julius Freilich*
Edward I. Fried
Bernard L. Friedman
Harriet Friedman
Norbert Friedman*
Hanlin A. Fritz
Fred B. Fruchthendler*
Frieda Furman*
Sam Furshpan*
David and Penelope Gallo
Stanley Ganer
David Garrick*
Priscilla Gelber*
Shirley C. Geller
Herta Gertler*
Barney Gertner*
Aaron Gilman
Alfred Ginepra*
Al and Betty Gitelman
Marvin Glyder
Yale* and Pauline Goldberg
Billy and Rosalie Goldberg*
Kurt* and Margarete Goldberger*
Alfred Golden*
Max Goldfield*
Stuart I. Goldman
David C. Goldstein
Fannie Goldstein
Irene Saunders Goldstein
Henry Good*
Joseph Goodfriend*
Mal* and Beatrice Goodman
Matilda Goodman*
Lillian Gorodess
Siegard and Roslyn* Gottlieb
Robert E. and Bette S. Green
Leonard Greenberg*
Sue Greenberg*
Sylvia Greenberg
Eli Greenblatt
Milton H. Greenfield
William Greenfield*
Mae Greenhut*
Aaron Grossman*
Edmund and Arlene* Grossman
Leo and Rosalind Grossman*
Cy Gruberg*
Doris Siegel Halper
Joan Halpern*
Abby Halpert*
R. A. Hankin*
Emile Harrosh
Michelle Hartman
Daniel Heckelman
Phyllis Hedges
Richard D. and Phyllis G. Heideman
Florence Heimlich*
Al and Miriam Herman*
Marty Herman
Stephen Hersh
Erwin and Corrine Hesser*
Ralph and Magdalena Heymann
Harvey* and Terry Hieken*
Pearl Hill
Jack and Betty Hoffenberg*
Emily P. Hoffman
Henrietta Hoffman*
Irvin Hoffman*
Ricardo Holzer
David Hoppenstein*
Richard and Nancy Horowitz
Nathan and Ruth Horwitz*
Steven Horowitz
Rose Hourwitz
Jack Howards
Gertrude Hulbert
Anna Huscher*
Helen Imber
Simon and Dorothy Indenbaum*
Barbara D. Isaacson
Allan J. Jacobs
Jules Jacobsen*
Ilse Jacobson*
David and Sheri Jaffa
Harold S. and Ellen Jaffa*
Melvin Janowitz*
Katie Jordan*
Rick Kahn*
Ruth Kahn*
Sylvia Kamen
Philip Kaminer*
Beverly Kanfer*
Aaron and Selma Kaplan*
Abe Kaplan*
Edward H. Kaplan
Harry* and Muriel Kaplan
Elliot C. Kaplan
Leo Kaplan
Nathan Karchmer*
Michael B. Kates
Blanche C. Katz*
Edward Katz
Charles O. Kaufman
Saul Kaufman
Myron Kaufmann*
Saul Kay
Zoltan Kellner*
Frances Kemp*
Greta Kende*
Philip and Essie Kershner
Harold Kleid*
Harris Klein
Harold J.* and Vivian Klein
Howard and Rosalind Klein
Wellington Kohl*
Stewart L.* and Estelle Kohn
Clifford and Selma Komins
A. George Koplow*
Reti Kornfeld*
Herman Kosovitz*
Gerald and Adele Kraft
Sidney Krakower*
Anita Kramer
Phillip Kraus*
A. J. Kravtin
Myer S. Kripke*
Harvey E. Kronick
Lillian N. Kronstadt
William Krugman*
Hannah Krumholz*
Moe and Bertha Kudler*
Irving Kumin*
Norma Kurtz
Theresa Lackenbach
Richard Landau
Ted Landau
Myrna S. Lane
Walter B. LaRaus
Richard and Audrey* Lasday
Reta Lasky*
Walter Lasky
Frank Lauer*
Burton Lazarow*
Andrew Lebwohl*
Ruth Leder*
Debra Leeds
Seymour Leslie*
Edward Lesok
Alan L. Lessack
Curt M. and Lillian Levi*
Herbert Levi*
Kurt Levi*
Theodore Levi*
Bernard Levicoff*
Joseph Y. Levin*
Jules Levin
Stanley M. Levin
Marcia Levinsohn
Harry Levitch*
Martin A. Levitin
Jack E. Levitt
Charles Levy
Hyam A. and Ida L. Libby*
Ira Lipman
Sanford William Lipson*
Donald Lisner
Aaron Liverant
Helen Galland Loewus*
Ray Lourie*
Ben Lubel *
Alan Ludwig*
Pamela Lynch
Edmund Lynn
Lester Macktez*
Roman Mager*
Morton M. Malis*
Jeffrey H. Mandel
Jerome B.* and Lillian Mann
Shel Marcus
Eugene Margolis*
Gertrude Margolis*
Harriet Margolis*
Daniel S. Mariaschin
Wayne A. Martin
Rebecca J. Max
Paul May*
Beatrice Mayer
Josephine McQueen
Wayne Meisels
Eva Mela*
Thomas Melvin*
Oscar Merber*
Sharon Metro
Allen Meyer*
Rita Meyer
William* and Frances Meyer
Norman Michlin*
Ruth Mikola
Bob Miller
Harold Miller
Jerrald Miller
Mitchell W.* and Shirley Miller
Samuel Miller*
Tillie Millman*
Rhoda Minowitz
Esther Molat*
Stanley and Grace Morgenstein
Steven H. Morrison
Harry and Ann* Moskowitz
Lena Moszkowski*
Alfred Muchin
Irving H. Myers*
Ken and Ruth Nathanson
Anita Nelkin*
Etta Nemser*
Sylvia G. Neuman
Daniel Nidess*
Leo J. and Sylvia Novarr*
Warner Bein Oberndoerfer*
Lee Offutt
Mark D. Olshan
Jack and Rose Orloff*
Alexander T. and Harriet Ornstein*
Louis Osofsky
Shirley Partoll
S. Bruce Pascal
Fred Pasternack*
Michael S. Paul
Meyer Pearlman*
Murray Pell*
Oscar Peretz*
Peter A. Perlman
Rose Perlman*
Murray Pfeffer*
Bernard and Judith Platt
Edwin and Frieda Podell*
Munio Podhorzer
Laurence Poisner
Ruth Polen*
Raymond Pollack
Robert Pollack*
Morris Polsky*
Sidney Possner*
Bernard Potts*
Marian Rahm*
Jack Rapoport
Jack L. Rappoport
Milton Recht*
Elaine Rees
Seymour D. Reich
Richard B. Reinman
Milton* and Annette Reiter
Ruth Resnikoff
Harold Richards*
Seth Riklin
Eli Robins
Roberta Robins
Richard Rogow
Harriett A. Rose
Dave Roseman
Roselle Roseman*
Frank Rosen
Fred Rosenau*
Rose Rosenbaum*
Solomon and Gertrude Rosenbaum*
Gertrude Rosenbluth*
Robert Rosenfield*
Carter M. Rosenthal
Martin Rosenthal
Elinor Ross
Harvey Roth
Max Roth*
Melvin Roth
Nathaniel H. Roth*
Sheila Roth
Sophie Rothberg*
Howard E. Rothman
Sharen Rozen*
Harold Rubin
Terry Rubin*
Norman Rubinstein*
Stephen D. Rudman*
Charlene Russo
James Rutlader
Israel Sack*
Lilly Salcman
Charles Saltzman*
Gary P. Saltzman
Rebecca Saltzman
Mollie Samson*
William and Lillian Sandler
Alexander C. Sands*
Sue Saperstein
Henry J. Satsky*
Jack Sayre*
Sophie Schall*
Seymour L. Scharf*
Abe Schein*
Ilse Schiff*
Jack and Isabel Schiff*
Kent E. Schiner
Ariane Schlomy
Eugene Schneck
George Schneider*
Morton M. and Mary Schneider*
Sidney and Mary P. Schochet*
Marna Schoen
Meryl Schorr
Arthur C. Schott*
Zelig Schrager
Harvey J. Schramm
A. Harvey Schreter*
Sidney Schulman*
Lila Schultz
Marilyn Schultz
Dave Schumann
Carl and Lillian Schustak*
Jonathan and Roberta Schwartz
Sidney and Marrian Schwartz*
Barbara Schwartz
Hugh Schwartzberg
Bernard Schwarz
Samuel Schweid*
Jacob Scovronek
Peter Seadle*
Jerry Seigel*
Dorothy Selik*
Helene Sender
Harry Shafer*
Louis Shane*
Bernard Shapiro*
Faye Shapiro*
Sherman E. and Rita Shapiro*
Sylvia Shapiro
Florence Sharenow*
Harry Shechtman*
Edythe Sheinbaum*
Gerald M. and Reva Sherman*
Samuel Sherwood*
Hannah Shrand
Harold Shulman
Sherwood Shulman*
Bernard Shultz*
Max Shustek*
Murray H. Shusterman*
Henry Sians*
Norman and Helen* Sider
Irving Siegel*
Moses Siegel*
Otmar and Natasha Silberstein*
Irving and Frances Silver
Jules* and Lucy Silver
Abraham Simcovitz*
Sylvia Simmons*
Bernard* and Dorothy Simon
Edward and Sylvia Simon
Fred Simon
Helen Simon*
Horace Simon*
Kurt and Tessye Simon*
Rosaline Simon*
Sidney and Elaine Simon
Walter E. Simon
Alvin Singer
Edward Singer*
Philip Siragher*
Alvin L. Sitomer*
Trudy Sivick
Arnold C. Small
Steven Smiga
Emanuel and Zelda Smith*
Milton and Helen Smith*
Moishe Smith
William Snyder*
Phyllis Solof
Al Solomon*
Norman M. Some
Harold B. and Diane* Sparr
Benjamin Spector*
Robert A. Speert*
Leonard B. Spiegel*
Jack J. and Charlotte Spitzer*
Robert B. Spitzer
Larry Stahl
Jorge Stainfeld
Betty Starkman
Deborah Stein*
Walter and Katie Stein*
Harold I. Steinberg
Norman Steinberg
Sidney and Jeanne* Steinberg
Joseph Sterling*
Horace A. Stern*
Joseph* and Rosamond Stern
Julius and Elinore Stern*
Lynn Leb Stern*
Martin Sternstein*
Judith Stevens*
Evelyn Stieber-Bernstein*
Michael R. Stoler
Sam and Elaine Stone*
Gerd Strauss*
Murray Sudakow*
Frieda Susskind*
Hilda Sussman*
Charles Swartz*
Charles Synes*
David and Elizabeth Tannenbaum
Dan Tartakovski
Arthur Taub
Daniel* and Hadassah Thursz
Nancy Tobin
Hannah Traube*
Irma Turetsky*
Leslie H. Tye
Anne Umansky
Hannah Unger*
Carl M. and Rose Valen
Florence A. Wallis
Mark Wancket
Harold L. Warren
Arnold Wasserman
Edward D. Weberman
Joseph Wechsler*
Marilyn Weigen
M. Sanford Weil*
Herbert Weinberg
Arthur Weinberger*
Jacob Weinberger*
Josef and Bernice Weinstein*
Phyllis Weinstein*
Harvey and Lucille Weisberg*
Burton* and Sylvia Weisfeld
Gisele Weisman*
Joseph and Helen Weisman*
Elias Weiss*
Lillian Weiss*
Morton Weiss
Richard Weiss*
Edythe Weitzman
Gerald Westheimer
Dorothy Whitman
Robert Wiener*
Stephen Wiener
Joyce L. Winfield*
Al E. Witten
Bonnie Wolf
Irwin Wolfe*
Samuel Wolfe*
Hans Wolff*
Thomas Wolff
Frances Yasney
Abraham Yormack*
Jerome L. Yudkoff
Lowell Zeleznick*
Philip* and Rose Ziffer

Names marked with an asterisk (*) are deceased.


*The Planned Giving Department strives to keep our lists as accurate as possible. Please let us know of any corrections at 800-656-5561 or [email protected] .
